Friday, October 2, 2015

Jeb Bush in this video has a lot to say about a lot of different issues in America. But does he answer the questions the first time? No, not really. When watching this video, I see that he's not afraid to talk, that's one thing i know, but he's also very confident about his race to become president.

In the video, the interviewer asks Jeb on how he feels about Trump being ahead of him in the race. Confidently, saying that he's in it for the long hall and that the polls don't matter. Well, my friend they kind of do, but at this point Jeb doing all he can to hold on and eventually make his push when the Trump hype settles. Coming from a family of former presidents that had their fair share of close calls. Gore vs. Bush was expected to be a lopsided victory of Gore at first, but Bush stayed in it and now who was our 41st president again?

I also want to mention the introduction to this video, where you can find Jeb Bush in his natural habitat. Now that the embargo from Cuba has been lifted, you can see Jeb and some of his buddies, hanging out in their native language, playing some dominoes, and as they said in the video "greeting him as an old friend". Bush showing his bi-cultural side gives the people a sense of his background, where for a part of his life he lived in Mexico teaching english.

A big problem Jeb has been facing in his candidacy is trying to be his own man and escaping the Bush name. He's been compared to his family, which is hard to gain his own credibility with people assuming that he's just another regular Bush. Now that being said, Jeb quickly tell states that he's proud to be the son of George H.W. Bush and brother to the guy above, and says at the same time that he's not his father or brother but is his own man.

Although, Mama Bush doesn't think they're should be another Bush or Clinton in the White House, George W. believes in him.

The final note I want to leave on is Jeb's tax reform plan. If it were implemented, we would see a 2.9% increase in after-tax income for the middle class and a 11.6% for the top 1%. I found it shocking how much more the top 1% is getting compared to the middle class, even the interviewer was a bit puzzled when Jeb first backed up his argument. I notice in this back and forth conversation about Jeb's tax plan, both Jeb and the interviewer were not seeing eye-to-eye. Getting to a point where the interviewer has a to bring up a different "fun" topic after both have had there closing argument. Jeb has some reasoning behind his argument considering that if it's true that the top 1% has been paying for 40% of our taxes.

Jeb has been on a roller coaster ride in the polls, started at the top and now being in the middle of the pack. All i know is you can't rule of Bush until the final polls, because you're right Jeb, these polls don't even matter until you're back in Florida or maybe Mexico. You can never count a bush out though.

Keep your head on a swivel Trump!